Community Services Gateway to Industry Schools program

Whether community care or youth justice, homelessness or disability support, the Community Services sector serves as an entrance to enduring and diverse careers. 

However exploring a Community Services future and linking to industry and experience, is often difficult for young people and schools.

The Gateway to Industry Schools Program links school students with industry and gives them a taste of what a future in this sector would be like while they gain valuable skills.

A project, specifically focussing on the Community Services sector is one of the newest to be rolled out, with National Disability Services as project partner.

Funded and supported by the Queensland Government, the project will working with young people, schools, industry employers, trainers, universities and families to ensure a strong training and experiential pathway for tomorrow’s Community Services leaders.

The project targets five common youth attraction barriers to a Community Services future:

  1. Discovery and Awareness. By effective promotion to students and professional development to teachers.
  2. Experiential Learning. By allowing a real-life view of working with, and in, the community.
  3. Connection. With key segments including prospective employers as well as trainers and universities.
  4. Pathway Navigation. To guide students from interest, to qualification, to a career future.
  5. Differentiation. So students from GISP schools stand out to recruiters as ones prepared to industry priorities and ready to fast track to employment or tertiary specialisation.

How can this benefit you?

Are you a school wanting to learn more? Check out our Schools ‘Good-to-Know’ Section

Are you a Community Service provider in Queensland who wants to build and influence your future workforce? Read how to Connect to Your New Youth Workforce.

Are you are a student who wants to explore working in the Community Services sector? You can

This Gateway to Industry Schools program is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government. (Please note this project is available only in Queensland).