Career development


The disability, community and aged care sector is always changing in response to current social, political and economic conditions.

This creates the ongoing need for employees to keep their knowledge, skills and approach up to date. With opportunities to learn and develop come opportunities for advancement and progression.

This sector is exceptional in the sense that as well as being able to climb up the ladder and gain more qualifications, you can also move across the sector to diversify your knowledge and skill sets.


Support your career development:

Approach your employer – ask them about mentoring possibilities or opportunities to advance your career.

Explore your options - check our career planner 

Move on to your next challenge – sometimes you have to move organisations to develop your career further.

Identify a mentor - who started where you are and is now where you'd like to be.

Identify organisations - that offer relevant opportunities to develop your career.

Join a professional organisation - such as National Disability Practitioners

Create your own peer mentoring network with like-minded colleagues.

Attend sector networking meetings - such as National Disability Services' regional meetings.


Related Links
National Disability Practitioners

NDP provides resources and opportunities to enrich the careers of members, create community and further strengthen the Australian disability sector. Membership is open to anyone working in the sector.