Human Rights


Human Rights are at the heart of person-centred approaches. For those providing direct support, an important part of your role is promoting, supporting and ensuring the human rights of the people you support.


What Are Human Rights? from National Disability Services on Vimeo.


Human Rights and You

Human Rights and You is a national video-based e-learning program for disability support workers about why human rights matter when supporting people with disability. It explores topics including:

  • What are Human Rights?
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • When Rights Go Wrong
  • Asking for Help

This short and informative program takes around 30-minutes to complete. A Human Rights and You workbook (with accessible version) is available for use with the program. Access the program from the NDS Learning Portal.
If you don’t have an account you will be promoted to create a free account.


NDS acknowledges the funding from the Victorian and Western Australian Governments which allowed this program to be developed.